2024 : Volume 9 No. 2
Cover PageEditorialContents
As another year draws to an end, it is time to reap another ‘Harvest’. 9 years 18 volumes, one special volume — the very next year we step into a decade of ‘Harvest’ though it remains to be seen what it has in store. Looking back it is no short of a miracle to realize that we managed to stay afloat during the two toughest years of human civilization –the COVID times. Let us then rekindle our faith in the spirit of mankind and ring in peace, academic prosperity and intellectual abundance.
May we emerge ‘survivors’ and continue to reap a plentiful ‘Harvest’ whatever the odds…
Love ! Light ! Peace !
Dr. Supatra Sen
Chief Editor
Dr. Soma Mandal
Social Science
Chandan Das
Mousumi Roy